Compiled a little sketch page in-between programming, not done a sketch page like this for maybe 3 years! I've lost a fair bit of line control in the gap. Sadly I still hate scanning and all the mess, back to digital for me!
Screwed around in photoshop a little too, seeing if I can make a pencil imitation brush. I'd say it's not...awful, might look better if it was coloured in the same fashion as a sketch, perhaps!
try coloring it! colored pencil style
Cool sketch cool brush cool work.
I like very much this drawings yours, specially when you put them all in the same picture, hehe. Do you draw them this way or do you combine them in the computer? anyway, they are cool!
Really cool brush. And some nice sketches!
How did you make that Brush on your computer? I've attempted with poor results.
I too would like to know how to make such a brush. Care to share?
The pizza box is an important part of the retail market. It serves as a way to keep the pizza warm and prevent it from getting dirty. Custom pizza boxes are also a way to advertise the restaurant. You can decorate them with pictures and logos of the restaurant and fill with promotional materials such as coupons or flyers.
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